A downloadable game

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Psychopomp is a journaling game about death. You play as a crow gathering the souls of the fallen after a battle. As you encounter each soul, you will experience one of their memories. This is expressed as a writing prompt. These prompts may also require you to draw cards from an Oracle Deck to resolve. Once the Oracle Deck is empty the game ends and Aunty All-Devourer arrives to claim all the remaining souls.

THIS IS A PLAYTEST VERSION. None of the artwork is final and it hasn't had it's final editing. I am mostly concerned with how the game plays. Please share your comments and experiences playing it. 

This game was inspired by A Day at the Crystal Market by Fen Walters. The card mechanic is based on the Carta system (found here ), from Cat McDonald and Peach Garden Games, and licensed for use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)


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PSYCHOPOMP v5 PlayTest.pdf 1.1 MB

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